You know, when I was 19 I could stay up drinking til 4:30, catch 2.5 hours sleep, and still be fresh as a daisy and do errands all day long and then party the next night too. How the times have changed. When I got home from my girlfriend's place Sunday morning, I really wanted to nap but instead I had to run some errands, rake my yard (cause it was yard waste pickup Monday) and the girls from next door came over to play with my girls until nearly 4 pm. I was sitting trying to read and nodding off while they were playing (because common sense and the Children's Aid Society both dictate supervision for children), but managed to stay most of the way awake. Well, at least I woke up when I was nailed in the head with a barbie during some kind of aerial doll warfare that broke out. I'm still really tired this morning two days later.
I am officially old.
Here's what my Sunday looked like:

This nest, tucked up under the roof overhang of the garage, was built last year by robins. They raised a brood of babies and moved out. Then two broods of mourning doves were raised in it. I left it there over the winter, and the doves moved back in this spring. Doves are larger than robins and the accommodations are cramped, but moving into an existing rental appears to be preferable to building from scratch. There are actually two babies in the nest, but you can only see one peeking out from under the mom. I guess I'm a landlord.

This may be a little-known fact, but deer don't like daffodils. They prefer tulips. I

How many girls can you fit in an IKEA castle/tent/playhouse? Answer: four.

Max looking out through the front window, wanting desperately to join the fun. Or eat the birds at the bird feeder. It's hard to tell which from the expression on his face, but the smart money's on eating the birds.