It's Thursday night tonight. Traditionally Grey's Anatomy night at our house. The night that we order in pizza for supper and, in return for the treat, the girls go to bed a half hour early so that Mommy can watch Grey's undisturbed (without dishes to do, yay!). We don't have satellite or cable, so I have to watch it at the evilly early hour of 8 p.m. on CTV. I like to have the girls bathed and in bed, the ringer of the phone turned off, and me settled in the living room, glass of wine in hand, at 8 sharp. I'm stoked! I can't *wait* to see if George will really leave the hospital, if Derek will really pick up some woman in Joe's, and if that was Adele collapsed on the bathroom floor in the previews.
But, this is also the playoffs. And my only other television addiction is NHL hockey. The Ottawa Senators, to be precise. And tonight is the opening game of the third-round series against the Sabres. The puck drops at 7:30, and I want to be settled in the living room, glass of wine in hand, by 7 sharp to see the pregame show. I'm stoked! I can't *wait* to see the Sens duke it out with Buffalo, the team that put them out of the playoffs last year.
So you see my dilemma:


Oh, sure, you say. Watch one and tape the other. Well, that would work, *in theory*, if I had a blank tape and the patience to decipher the badly translated VCR manual: "How to Programme a Recording. 1. Place the taping article into the tape chasm, make the START button depress with gentleness....." You get the picture.
Nope, in order to deal with


I'm going to have to either have a very quick thumb on the 'quickview' button on my remote and toggle back and forth between channels, or beg Natalie to tape Grey's for me tonight so I can watch hockey.
Perhaps she can be bribed with chocolate.
Well I have to play baseball. So I miss BOTH! But, the game will be on at the sports club when we finish playing. AND, I will be PVR'ing Grey's to watch at a later date. :) You could always come here and we could watch together! ;)
ReplyDeleteI'll bring wine. Good luck at baseball. Break a leg, or whatever you're supposed to say to ballplayers (Don't choke on the chewing tobacco?). :-)
What did you decide? Because I watched Grey's, and it was totally worth it!
ReplyDeleteI flipped back and forth. Not sure if the third Sens goal was scored by Oleg Saprykin or Dr. Addison Montgomery....