Monday, February 28, 2011

According to Rachel: Canal edition

Yesterday we went skating on the Canal to get a skate in before the promised freezing rain and snow that's taking place today. Bribed with the promise of Beavertails and hot apple cider, the girls happily skated the length of Dows Lake and we headed to the Beavertail stand and rest area to refuel and warm ourselves by the outdoor fireplace.

Satisfied, we headed down the Canal towards the Bank Street Bridge, with Leah helping her sister, who isn't as accomplished a skater as Leah is.

Leah: Don't go so near the edge where the snow is. The ice is really bumpy under there. And watch out for the cracks, you could trip if your skate blade catches in one.

Rachel [in a witheringly sarcastic voice]: Yah, I think I can figure that out. You don't have to be Albert Frankenstein to know *that*.


  1. Albert Frankenstein. LOVE it!

  2. Love those typical sisterly remarks. You were especially good at them - guess Rae takes after her Mother :o))

  3. Oh my god i love that girl.

  4. I love it when kids are a little sassy and totally use words out of context (Edie told me the other day, quite emphatically, that I was being very unatural when I insisted that she pick up her things).

