Thursday, February 19, 2009

Intimidation and cranberry sauce

Today, American President Barack Obama is visiting Ottawa. Also, I was late for work this morning.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that these two events are linked, but actually they're not. It wasn't presidential road closures or steely-eyed Secret Service types that prevented me from reaching the office on time. It was gang activity.

Yeah, in West Carleton. I know. I'm surprised and disturbed too. There I was, minding my own business, driving down Old Carp Road, when a gang stepped out into the street. A girl gang. All dressed alike in black, sneering at me. They were loitering all over the front yards of a couple of houses, and when they saw me coming, they stepped out into the road, blocking my way. Daring me to blow my horn at them or get angry. I'm not ashamed to admit I was a little scared. They looked mean.

When I got out my camera and started snapping pictures they moved off, swearing at me. At least they didn't key my car.

As I drove away, I started to feel hungry, and I swear I could smell sage.


  1. wow, what a scary 'hood you live in!

  2. Yeah, but it's not Maryhill or anything...

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Remind me to pack my all-American guns the next time I cross the border.

  4. haha you really had me going .. I thought it was a real girl gang ! gullible !

  5. Anonymous5:29 PM

    They probably shooed them out of their regular hood because of the presidential visit. They were probably just as scared of seeing a country person as you were of seeing them

  6. That's absolutely amazing! You were lucky to have your camera with you.

  7. Anonymous8:13 PM

    ah, how great is that to see on the way into work!

  8. I heard a rumour that if you hit something with your car and kill it, you get to bring it home to eat...

  9. A few weekends ago I was standing in the living room, staring across the road, when I realized that there were like, ten or twelve turkey vultures skulking about by the woods. I couldn't stop staring at them - I wish I could have taken pictures of them, but I was too far away.

  10. jeez.. and i thought i should be scared living so close to Vanier.. this is cake compared to your area

  11. LOL Alison, well remembered. I think you'll find those are Maryhill turkeys...

  12. Hahaha! Too funny!

    My husband suggested we move to Canada. I am staying far away from your neighborhood! SCARY!

  13. Are they hanging around outside your house now? Waiting for you? Have you checked?

    Oh and by the way - queen lentil? You are seriously weird, woman. (I'm going looking for it though, just to be on the safe side.......)

  14. Anonymous9:26 PM

    You're lucky you didn't get pecked or pooped on. Those gals look ruthless.

  15. So these are turkeys? (Sorry, I'm Scottish, a visitor via Loth and the queen lentils, and I never saw a turkey.) That's a lot of snow!

  16. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Wow. I live on the other end of town, but we had a flock of those birds in our backyard. It's a turkey epidemic on the outskirts of Ottawa!

  17. Mmm. Good eating. You sure one didn't accidentally get hit ... roadkill, mmm tasty, tasty roadkill!
