Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Once more, with feeling

OK, I know we're supposed to nurture our children's talents, and encourage them to explore music and the arts, and provide practice time at home for things learned at school; but swear to God, if I hear Leah play "Jingle Bells" on the recorder just one more time, I will go stark raving mad.

Is it too early for wine?


  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    And if I hear "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" one more time, Jenworld is going to be minus one eight-year-old child.

  2. Oooh, I remember Hot Cross Buns on the recorder almost sending me over the edge!

  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

    do you own a dog? if so, 'the dog ate the recorder' is always a good excuse.

  4. They don't break either. Good god, the pagent thing is meant to torment.

    Booze... yes booze is a good plan.

  5. Anonymous10:43 PM

    hi allison. hate to use YOUR blog for my purposes but are YOU able to comment on NAT's blog? (she commented here)cause I cannot for some reason!? let me know ?

  6. Oh I am with you. Plus K also plays violin. Better than me as I cannot play at all. But not much better.

  7. LOL:)
    I do not miss those days. My favourite (yeah right)was when WB was learning the trumpet.
    Kid spent a lot of time practicing in the the winter.

  8. It's never too early for wine!

  9. It's never too early for wine where there is a child (or anybody for that matter) with a recorder around.

  10. Anonymous6:35 PM

    It's never too early for wine. And I'm totally with you. All those seasonal concerts I've had to attend over the years. Two hours of excrutiating agony for 20 seconds of seeing my kid wail out something I've heard her practice 40,000 times at home the last 9 months. Don't get me wrong. I'm proud as hell of her talents, but still...

  11. Calgon, take me away!

  12. To answer your question about wine, did you have breakfast yet? If yes, then certainly, it's not too early for wine. ;-)

  13. I agree that it is never too early for wine.
    It's my daughters tap dancing that drives me mad.

  14. Hahahahahhahaha! It's "bear necessities" that's on repeat here.

  15. Oh I so dread the day when Logan brings home his recorder! I have another year and a half of "quite".
