A Moment in Time
(originally posted in February 2010)
The Hacienda Hotel, Old Town, San Diego. A warm November night. Two friends and colleagues, their hair still in wind-blown disarray from a shoreline geology field trip of San Diego Bay on a boat, full and happy from margaritas and a wonderful Mexican dinner, are heading to their respective rooms.
So, your talk is right after lunch tomorrow?
Yep. The start of the second technical session.
And you have a Powerpoint presentation?
Nope.... Linda, I *know* this stuff. I can give this talk with just speaker's notes. I don't need a slideshow.
You need a slideshow. Come on, we can make one right now.
[sort of pouting] But I'm tired.
Come on, Alison....I'll bring the laptop out to the table in the courtyard in front of my room and we'll work on it outside. [wheedling] I have a bottle of wine....Let's see if these California reds are anything to write to you about.
'Write home about'.
Merci. 'Write home about'.
[sighing] OK.
Some night-blooming flowers are scenting the air. The fountain on the courtyard wall splashes softly in the background. A lot of laughing accompanies the work on the laptop. The wine is very, very good.
Thanks, Linda. The talk will be better with a slideshow.
No problem.
You know, I could get used to this.
Which, Alison? The working out of doors? Or the wine? [grins]
All of it. Seriously, this is the way to live. Very civilized. Could you imagine doing all our work outside, with a glass of wine? We'd either be super-productive, or very liver-damaged.
[laughing] We couldn't do this in Ottawa though. I don't know if you would get people to participate into meetings outside in November.
Probably not. Here. Fill me up. [giggles] Hey, let me take a photo of this: "Linda, working hard at her laptop."
You are too funny. Wait, let me hold the bottle up. For effect. [grins]

Linda Guay
Tu me manques, mon amie.
Tu me manques, mon amie.